Saturday, August 20, 2011

Intro to Me

My name is Preethi. My favorite color used to be purple then green but now I really don't care enough to have a favorite color. I like to read books but can't seem to find the time to read anything anymore! I enjoy being lazy but hate being bored. I also like being surprised but it doesn't happen that often so I urge you to take up the challenge! And I mean being intellectually surprised. Sneaking up me does not count, and yes I am thinking of a specific person in this instance. I think you know who you are. I'm a huge fan of chocolate and I find it beyond sad that some people are actually allergic to it... I'm interested in medicine because it's constantly evolving. My dream is to become a surgeon and I'm not fazed by blood which works out kind of great. I'm not sure what kind of surgeon yet but I have plenty of time to figure that out. I used to think maybe a cardiothoracic surgeon but then we dissected a pig heart in class and it pretty much put an end to that notion. As the title of my blog so effectively points out, I don't have too much faith in people but as always I'm hoping to be surprised!

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