Sunday, October 30, 2011

Useful Materials for Chapter 7

So cellular respiration can seem complicated, but I have found that animations can help you to understand the various steps of it. You can click here to get a very quick visual of the entire process. I liked this animation because it gives you a quick idea of how the energy intermediates as well as waste products are produced. I also like how it keeps track of the carbon molecules of the glucose. However, I also wanted to look at something that was more detailed. Click here for a link to a much more detailed cellular respiration animation. This one kept track of all the energy intermediates produced during the various steps, counting them up as the animation proceeds. It didn't confuse me with all the names of the complexes in the electron transport chain. Instead, it just labeled them "Complex I", "Complex 2", and so on, also indicating how the electrons move due to how strong an electron acceptor each complex was. There is another part aftewards that includes all the names of the complexes in the chain, if you wish to know them. There are also several "pop-up questions" that test your understanding of the material presented in the animation.

Once you think you know respiration pretty well, you can click here to take a self-test! I know, I know, tests in school are enough, but this could help prepare you for the rapidly approaching bio exam, so why not? This test was useful because it is graded online, which can help you target which topics you may need to study more. You should try this link as well, and click on "begin problem set" on the bottom of the page. It includes helpful tutorials for questions that you don't know the answers to. Not all the questions pertain to this chapter, so just skip those. With that, have fun studying!

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