Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Meiosis Video

I found this video useful because ever since freshmen year, I have had difficulty differentiating what to call "chromosomes", "sister chromatids", and "homologous chromosomes". Even Ms. Patil couldn't understand why I couldn't understand meiosis properly! And when Dr. Weber explained it, I understood it for about 5 minutes before once again I was confused. In a way, watching this brief video on meiosis helped me figure out these terms. While it does not go in depth, the video hits all the major points of meiosis. It goes from interphase through the second cytokinesis. It even mentions crossing over and how it occurs. My only complaint is that it does not mention how errors might occur during meiosis. Of course, one can always refer to my previous blog post for that!

As a quick addition, I would like you to view this image:

Typical Sexual Cycle for HumansTypical Sexual Cycle for Protists
and Other Animals

Diploid Phase       Haploid Phase

that I retrieved from here. While its just a simple image, it clarified my confusion over what diploid-dominant and haploid-dominant species were. For some reason, the description in the book was somewhat confusing to me. Here, the image on the left displays the cell cycle of a diploid-dominant species while the image on the right displays the cell cycle of a haploi-dominant species.

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